Submit An Event To Fun Things

Thank you for your interest in Fun Things To Do With Kids in Chester County.  We have criteria and fees that are associated with getting your event listed on our sites.

Select from the following options to post your event on Fun Things

  • Events for nonprofit organizations or events that are totally free to the public can be placed on the Fun Things Events Calendar for free. Click here
  • Fundraisers and fundraising walks that require a donation/fee to participate must pay the fees listed below.
  • Open houses/events will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

All other events can choose from the following options:

1. $5.00 gets your event posted on our Events Calendar.

2. $25.00 gets your event posted on the Events Calendar, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
$50 for 3 events within a 3 month period. There is no charge for our clients with advertising contracts of 3 months or longer.

3. $45.00 gets your event posted on the events Calendar, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and article posted on the website, (this is based on the information that you provide). If your event takes place on the weekend your event will be listed in our popular Top 10 Weekend Events.
 $90 for 3 events within a 3 month period. There is no charge for our clients with advertising contracts of 3 months or longer.

Consider purchasing a sidebar ad or banner ad for your event if it occurs on a regular basis (i.e. dance and cooking classes, or sports instruction).

***Once you make your payment select "Return to" to complete your order.*****

Event Options
Your Name
Your Event