1. Watch "Beauty & the Beast" during Friday Family Movie at the Spring City Library
2. Valentine's Day Party & Craft at Monkey Fish Toys
3. Falling Snowflakes at Bucktoe Creek Preserve
7. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your loved ones at Hagley Museum during Victorine’s Valentine’s Day
8. Saturday Morning Storytime at Barnes & Noble
9. Valentine's Parents Night Out at Bounce U in Exton
Bonus Events
Register to make a Sweetheart Picture Holder a Lowes Stores
Spend Valentines Day with the family during Little Valentines Big Hearts at Marple Sports
Crafting Friday Mornings at Monkey Fish Toys
Watch "Shane" at the Colonial Theater
Saturday Morning Storytime at Barnes & Noble
Toddler Time at Sky Zone Glen Mills
Check out the calendar for more ideas