Saturday, May 4, 2013
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Anson B. Nixon Park
North Walnut Street, Kennett Square, PA
- Sponsored by Kennett Area Park Authority & Red Clay Valley Association –
Advance Ticket Price
Adults (16 years old & up): $10 Children - $5
Day of Event Ticket Price
Adults (16 years old & up): $12 Children - $6
Tickets Now on sale at Buck’s Hunting
809 Gap-Newport Pike, Avondale, PA 19311
Ponds will be stocked with trout up to 24 inches in length.
Refreshments, as well as bait and fishing supplies, will be available for purchase day of the event.
Compliments of Buck’s Hunting, some trout have been tagged. Please present trout tag along with rodeo ticket to Buck’s Hunting & Dog Training Supplies to receive a $20 Gift Certificate.
Offer valid through 2013
Adult's Class: Children's Class (10-15 yrs):
Largest single fish - $50 and Trophy Largest single Fish - $25 and Trophy
Highest total weight - $50 and Trophy Highest total weight - $25 and Trophy
Fish must be caught by child only.
For More Information: Call 610-444-0792 or visit: www.ansonbnixonpark.org