Open House at Little Sprout's Village

Join Little Sprout's Village on Saturday, April 30th for our Open House featuring an exciting scavenger hunt for your child. They invite you to stop by and meet them first hand and introduce your child to their program. You may have read about Little Sprout's or heard about them through a friend. Now you will have the opportunity to receive a personal, in-depth look into their classes, stroll around their garden and learn more about their program, while your child enjoys a variety of fun activities.

They ask that you register for this free event online or by calling Noreen at 484-639-9202 because they have limited parking available and need to ensure that not too many families arrive at the same time. They currently have two time slots available and will add more as needed. If you end up arriving earlier or a little later, we will make room.

If you cannot attend their Open House, you are always welcome to schedule a visit for another time.

Time slots available: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. ~ 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

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